Tag: fractions

Fractions, Math, Teaching Ideas & Inspiration, Writing

Fraction Activity – The Best Parts of Me

Whether you’re looking for a fun fractions activity or looking to build your students’ self-esteem, look no further :D.  I’ve got a cross-curricular fractions activity that will get your students practicing both their math and writing skills.  Oh, and it’s a super-hero themed activity to boot. The package includes an introductory brainstorming page.  This is where students are meant to think about their greatest qualities, and list them: Next, students begin drawing out their superhero image, and label a fractioned circle: These superheroes would be great as a way to decorate a bulletin board.  Either cut out the superhero figures, or clue the page onto a construction paper backing.  The package also includes clipart images,Continue reading


Fun with Fractions – Lessons & Tips

*This post contains affiliate links for convenient viewing* Fractions are so practical, they come up in everyday life all the time!  From slices of pizza, the components of a class vote or how much of a period is left until recess, students can find fractions everywhere.  Learning fractions on the other hand, now that can be tricky business.  Here are some tried and tested fun fractions lesson ideas and resources to make learning fractions engaging. Make Student Practice Visual For some students, this is key to learning fractions.  The visual component of a slices up pie or stacked lego pieces really helps to put fractions into perspective.  Here are some visual lessons to try out: UtilizeContinue reading