Tag: strategy

A wonderful list of steps and lessons for teaching character traits.
Reading, Teaching Ideas & Inspiration

Teaching Character Traits

Often times, when kids read a story, they’ll love a certain character, relate to the character and learn valuable lessons.  But sometimes, the most valuable lessons are buried deep within a story’s framework, which means that kids need reading strategies to best understand a story and character’s full value.  One such reading strategy is determining character traits.  This is important because it allows students to examine characters and their growth, helps them obtain more meaning out of texts and helps them become more conscientious readers.  Here are a list of steps to help with teaching character traits.   Brainstorm Vocabulary for Traits and Emotions There is a long list of adjectives we can use to describeContinue reading


Asking Effective Questions – A Reading Strategy

Asking questions is one of the most wonderful strategies to get your students delving deeper into a text.  I’ve stumbled upon a wonderful way to get your students to ask questions that will greatly enhance their understanding, allow them to make deeper connections and potentially create a lifelong love of curios exploration. After you’ve had some lessons aboout questions as a reading strategy, it’s important to talk to your students about the levels of questioning that can occur.  Here is a wonderful example: Oh, wouldn’t it be amazing to have your students asking inventive questions! The joy that will appear on your face when your students asks “if you had a Giving Tree, what would you doContinue reading