Winter Inspired Science Lessons

Finally, this winter is starting to look like something I knew growing up!  This is my third post about winter inspired lesson ideas, but this one is all about science.  Here are some winter inspired science lessons to try our in your home or school.  


Animal Habitats & Hibernation

Winter animals can be so fascinating, especially because many children aren’t commonly exposed to them. Discussing winter animals is a great way to expand children’s horizon, while also following your Science curriculum.  Here are some ideas to try out:

A list of great winter science lessons for your elementary classroom or home!
Have students conduct a research assignment. The idea here, is that students select a winter animal, collect important information regarding it’s habitat, behavior, food, appearance and more. Then, students can either present their findings to their classmates, or create a booklet as seen in this picture. (Taken from Sandra’s Savvy Teaching Tips)
A list of great winter science lessons for your elementary classroom or home!
This is a great craft to create after discussing the elements of hibernation. (Taken from Pinterest)
A list of great winter science lessons for your elementary classroom or home!
A class resource to help you along the way.  (Available on Amazon)
A list of great winter science lessons for your elementary classroom or home!
A great story about what is hidden beneath the snow. (Available on Amazon)
(Taken from Babbling Abby)A list of great winter science lessons for your elementary classroom or home!
Don’t want to plan your own unit, no problem! Use this fantastic mini-unit about penguins.  It’s absolutely free :). (Taken from Babbling Abby)


The Scientific Process

There are so many wonderful scientific elements available to discuss in winter, and this gives us a great opportunity for students to participate in the scientific process.  Ask students to hypothesize, test and record their observations.  Take a look at these ideas:

A list of great winter science lessons for your elementary classroom or home!
A snowman’s life cycle.  Present students with a miniature snowman.  Have them hypothesize about what will happen to the snowman after a certain period of time.  As time passes, have students record their observations.  This is a great opportunity to show off their wonderful knowledge of scientific terms (for example, liquid/solid). (Taken from Simply Second Grade)
A list of great winter science lessons for your elementary classroom or home!
Here’s another great experiment to try.  This one requires mixing ice cubes with different materials, to see whether the materials impact the melting of the ice.  (Taken from Totally Tots)
A list of great winter science lessons for your elementary classroom or home!
Some basic information about the winter season.  (Available on Amazon)


What’s your favorite winter science activity?

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