Summer vacation will undoubtedly be filled with many fun activities for kids to enjoy. This doesn’t mean we can find small ways of keeping up studious habits, while still enjoying the break. So, I’ve put together a list of summer research project for kids, that will get your kids excited about learning and also implementing their new found knowledge. Here we go:
Planet Research
Have your kids research various planets, our solar system or the stars. You could take them to a local science center or planetarium. They could also supplement their research online (and which kid doesn’t love a reason to use the internet :)). The best part: on a nice summer night, take the kids out star gazing preferably with a telescope in hand.

Biography Research
Is there a famous summer blockbuster scheduled to be released this summer? Or do you plan on visiting a local museum featuring a famous person of the past? Have your kids choose and research someone they should learn more about! A perfect example is the release of BFG by Roald Dahl. Before kids view the movie, have them research Roald Dahl to learn more about his inspirations and works.

Animal Research
Since zoos and farms are open to the public over the summer, it’s a great opportunity to have kids pick one animal and research it. They can make brochures for their siblings, cousins or whoever else may accompany them on their trip. This will make their animal viewing trips all the more exciting!

City/Country Research
If you have travel plans to visit a different country or even city over the summer, have your kids research your destination. This will help to peak their interests and give them some cool background knowledge about the place they’re visiting.

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